Imagine yourself travelling on trains.
How many phones are loudly ringing there
and respondents extremely loudly
conversing right after.
there is a large number among us in Australia,
not picking the ringing phones at all.
A phenomenon, not discovered by Media till now.
Asians make a massive group in it.
Many of them, from Japan to India
are familiar with Buddist moral principals
of see no evil,hear no evil,speak no evil.
In Japanese Mizaru,Kikazaru and Iwazaru
are tackling Asian Evil.
Has innocent mobile phone done so badly
with evil not to pick it up ringing?
Looking now across Westerness.
I normally begin from the old world performers.
We find among them many mamas dressed and behaving
as not from this planet.
What about an army of papas as well,
whose personal development has ended
in their early childhood and not much changed ever since?
I can confirm from my disturbing cases
those 2 genders in one group are not picking up
the ringing phones.Well,with some fair exceptions.
Have a look at their possible persistent reasons of not doing so.
At first to say,that it is an old fearful world they belong to.
Not open for risks,nor testing own hidden limitations either.
No aquiring much in life,
no garnering,no measuring again,no racking up new ideas.
They hate dialing up,buzzing or just calling in.
No more achieving in their age, no trends.
It's too late,they say and costly,too.
For myself?
I keep my mobile phone at the hand extend
to say "hello" when it's ringing ,24/7.
Pitt Elk