A popular idiom describing rather difficult situation
in life and its somehow lucky end.
Who isn't aware of sayings and stories of this kind circulated?
At any rate,I still like to say these;
the usage of hell is problematic.
Hell is a religious or folkloristic term,isn't it?
Nature doesn't know hell.
Nature is entropic,instead.
Is quite busy with randomness and its trendy disorders.
All lives included ours are under randomness spell.
It's a factual mystery
and the only evident universal rule in charge.
Coming closer to the idiom proposed here,
we may probe for helpful solutions,
why giving it up?
Applying a push to random things out
and pushing our lives up is the precise advice.
The clearest example of it was in all the beginnings
called The Big Bang or lately renamed into The Big Bounce.
The Supernatural Consciousness Power ,then,promoting our individual consciousness to realise,
had to push our existence forward
by switching off Antimatter threatening formation of Matter.
No Antimatter is existing today anywhere.
Just missing.
Look at the Sun our Star, dragging us around the Milky Way
to protect us from what?
From randomness of the own galaxy,
perhaps from Andromeda as well matching our galaxy, as we speak,
and from many others spinning around and unpredictable.
Cosmos or Universe as we call it, is dominated by randomness.
Randomness shows shortages of energy per existing units in entropy.
It's a recognised fact in sciences today.
Historically,having hell in the old world of royals and religious upkeepers, heavens were created.
In designing Gods, devils were added immediately.
Nature,however ,has no two opposite entities in existence.
Again,antimatter was switched off at the point zero,prior to 1.
Oneness is therefore the cosmic ID.
This is our gravity no one can escape from.
No need for rituals,magics or faith in our Universe.
No playing good against evil entitie s achieve anything vital.
Think secular.
Push for substance,quality and numbers,dimensions
suitable for our living progressive existence in oneness.
This push is our given by birth property for life ,
on this planet,under this only Sun.
Nothing else helps us or required for our imaginary
or imported by us salvation.
I am talking Nature ,that includes us in.
Never be alone in it.
Feel at home in it.
Remember not to forget ever The Supernatural One
whom Nature unconditionally serves having us directly
placed in touch with Him.
No coming back from hell ,friends,
considering ,we've arrived already in the twenty first century.
We push for the Greater Next
to come in life,nonstop,especially
In difficult times,
regardless of what, that push means in each case.
Pitt Elk
It's really indeed a nice piece.
Being Secular is the only way of life. Nature is powerful, giving us storm yet will provide us rainbow after the rain.
Perfect piece.